Kim provides telehealth services to residents of North Carolina and is also registered to provide telehealth services to residents of South Carolina who are seeking support with addictions or have co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (SC Registration # TLC 1060 AC). Please click here to view the South Carolina Professional Counselors Board telehealth provider website.

​​​​Kim Bolen McGrew, MA, LPA, LCAS 

Clinical Psychologist in Wilmington, NC

Treatment Focus for Marriage Counseling

Strengthen Emotional Connection

Learn Communication Strategies

Practice Active Listening 

Renew Trust and Commitment

Understand Each Other's Perspectives

Achieve Compromise

Resolve Conflict Effectively

Learn Parenting Techniques 

​Identify Ways of Having Fun Together

Build Fondness and Admiration

Turn Towards Bids for Affection

Prioritize Quality Time Together

Improve Physical Intimacy

Discover Shared Meaning and Purpose

Gottman Approved Member